Saturday, October 4, 2008


Friday afternoon. Early finish and we were having a coffee when our Maleny neighbour, Jane, phoned to say that there was a fire threatening the homes at Bald Knob.
I left at 3.30 and got up there in an hour and a half - traffic!
Helicopters everywhere, a dozen or so fire-trucks.
Thick smoke blotting out the sun.
The firemen did a great job and got control of it before it became dark.

It was like a scene from 'Apocalypse Now'
I stayed up there last night to let the house 'air' and get rid of the smoke smell.
I think we may be culling some of the old shrubs & trees near the house.


Unknown said...

Very good......

Jenny - Pocketful Of Posies said...

I'm glad you didn't lose your house! It must have been frightening on the drive home while stuck in traffic - also I hope Jake feels better. I broke my right arm a few years ago..6 weeks in a cast, I do not envy him!

Random Canadian,
~ Jenny